3 Ways to Boost Engagement

This week I asked my Facebook group for Coaches 15,000 members what was the biggest problem they had with their own Facebook group. Out of the 33 comments, the resounding biggest problem with groups was ….. Engagement. With Growth a close second. When I began my own...

Prioritising in a Coach’s World

I am sure you will be with me in the sense that you are extremely grateful for being shown the pathway to your vocation as coach. Helping others to in turn, choose their own True pathway, is a wonderful gift that we get to enjoy. With all that gratitude for being able...

Use Media Focus for Your Gain

If you’re in Australia, you’ll know the talk of the country the last few days is the highly controversial subject of Adam Goodes and racisim in football. Now whatever your views are on this, if you do work in any field that enables you as an expert to comment on this...

Beginner to Expert: The 3 Profile Stages

Whether you have a coach, author or any other type of heart centered business, your business will go through a series of transitions. … There are 3 basic stages you will pass through: Start Up Phase For example, if you’re in the start-up phase then you’re...

Free Discovery Calls are Icky!

I saw a post in a group from a beautiful coach asking for advice on what she could call her FREE Discovery Calls and noting she was feeling ”icky” about them. Now anyone who works with me knows that I put my foot down at any sort of FREE “come waste my time by testing...

New Rules of Freedom for Coaches

When you are running your own coaching or heart centered business, or promoting your author business, it may be suggested to you that to create success you need to be putting in sixty hour work weeks and moving at a frantic pace to ”make it all happen”. You may feel...