How to Get Clients in Facebook Groups

I saw a question in another group, asking “How to get Clients in Facebook Groups?”   Just DM all the group members and use them as your list. HAHAHAAAA Just joking. Quickest way to get blocked and have that pool of your market removed from you. If you...

Have you Fallen in Love…..?

There’s a statistic that 90% of Coaches will give up on their Coaching business with 12 – 24 months. They’ll do that for this main reason – lack of clients, lack of income. Yet there are those of us who have been Coaches for years, and others think we are the lucky...

Help! I’m a new coach. How do I get started?!

Help! I’m a new coach. How do I get started?!   It’s a cry I see often in FB groups for life coaches. Often the advice given in these groups which are often filled with other new life coaches all in the same boat, can be lightweight or misdirected. Or...

3 Reasons Why Your Facebook Group Isn’t Engaging

A Facebook Group is an absolute cracker of a way to GET KNOWN and GROW your clients. If you have an existing Facebook group, you may notice that it tends to go stale if there isn’t a lot of engagement happening. HERE ARE 3 REASONS WHY YOUR FACEBOOK GROUP...

How to Create Loyal Clients that Keep Re-Signing

One of the things that a good foundation and base for your business are that you can create consistent income as well without having to be constantly looking for new clients is creating loyal clients that keep on resigning with you. Most people think they’ll do...