Say No to Free Discovery Calls!

In my group for coaches, I was asked why I say NO to marketing FREE coaching sessions & discovery/clarity sessions in an attempt to enable prospective clients to get a taste of you before they buy. Here’s the answer I gave: Whose your favourite big name...

Top Tips for New Entrepreneurs

I was interviewed a few days ago on what my Top Tips for New Entrepreneurs are. Since they were interested, I thought you might be too! Short and sweet, here’s my top tips whether you’re new as a coach, author or expert. If you’ve been around a while, you may like to...

4 Tips to Create Coaching Packages that Sell

The worst strategy for pricing your services as a coach is to charge by the hour. It doesn’t market well, and doesn’t enable you the coach to guarantee and produce results for your client. Think about it …. How many clients have you had that feel crazy better and have...
Free Coaching Sessions: Good idea or Bad idea?

Free Coaching Sessions: Good idea or Bad idea?

There’s a challenge going around at the moment for coaches that asks them to have coaching conversations (free sessions) with 60 to 100 people within a time frame such as 7 weeks. Social media is a prime place where these coaches are sourcing for individuals to take...

Killed by Clients

We’ve all had one. And if you haven’t yet, then you’re going to get one. In fact, you may have even been one. I’m talking about the one thing that will hit us all at some stage through our coaching career. It’s the frustrating client!!  And just like I want to wring...