There’s a statistic that 90% of Coaches will give up on their Coaching business with 12 – 24 months.
They’ll do that for this main reason – lack of clients, lack of income.
Yet there are those of us who have been Coaches for years, and others think we are the lucky ones. But we’ve experienced those dry periods of lack of clients, lack of income also.
We could have given up but we’re still here……thriving. Why is that?
It’s because we LOVE what we are building as Coaches and Change Makers. We love that every step of the way, we’re learning, we’re helping others, we’re changing ourselves and helping others to transform. We learned to love the journey before the results came in. And it’s that love for what we are building that kept us hanging in even when things got tough.
That’s one of the secrets to success in the Coaching arena.
If you’re finding things hard right now because results haven’t been instant, I’ll say to you……
Fall in LOVE with the process of building your coaching business.
Fall in LOVE with getting known and attracting clients.
When you are in love with audience building, with attracting clients, with the journey of becoming a name in your industry that people want to go to….. it seems easy (even when it’s not).
If you only love coaching, but not the other aspects of building your coaching biz, you’ll find it hard.
And when a coach finds this journey HARD, it reflects in the way they put themselves out there. It shows in their energy.
Fall in LOVE with the journey of what you’re building, and it will keep you on track to your vision.
It’s your time to Get Known, Attract Clients.
Your time to Shine!
Vanessa T xxx
PS: If you want to work with me 1:1 to create your Radiance & Influence, so you’re getting known and attracting high-quality clients, then all you have to do is ask 🙂 Book a conversation with me here about your vision for your coaching practice.
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