If you dream of up-leveling your coaching and change making business, increasing your visibility as an expert, and expanding your horizons to reach a far larger audience, then I’ve got the perfect new Wonderland to help you with that.

So you’re in demand, doing the work that feeds your soul, while getting paid well for it, the exclusive Brilliance Realm is for you.

Behind these digital doors, you’ll find a very special place for coaches and change makers. In this magical area you’ll get all the support, guidance, tools, trainings, and techniques you’ll need to unleash your very own unique brilliance necessary for getting known, whle attracting more leads, clients and opportunities.

If you’re after your coaching business Happily Ever After, this is it.

This Brilliance Realm is perfect for you if…

You want to take your coaching and change making business to the next level, even if that sounds a little scary.

You’re tired of watching other coaches and change makers achieving extraordinary results and not knowing how to replicate that magic for yourself.

You are passionate about making a difference in the world and helping others. And you’re prepared to make your mark and live without regret.

You are so ready to step into a place of Radiance and make more of an impact, have more influence, create excellent money, and truely stand out and allow yourself to SHINE.

You’ve been struggling to break through the $5,000 a month mark and keep getting stuck (because you’re not sure what’s next and how to take it up to that next level and create $10,000 a month or more).

You’re trying to get yourself “out there” yet feel unheard. That nobody is listening and that all your special talents are going to waste because nobody knows about you.

You’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there, and just want someone you can trust — who’s actually walked the path themselves — to tell it to you straight.

Most of all, you want practical, actionable steps that you can implement immediately — things you know are going to work, and give you real, tangible results.
Hear what Coaches, Change Makers and Influencers have to say about Coach Profile Builder Vanessa…
Vanessa does big things for her clients, too. She’s a results getter.
Manny Wolfe

Speaker Trainer

I was doing 1:1 coaching but I didn’t know how to uplevel that. My business was a hobby. Now after  6 months with Vanessa , it’s a real business. Now international people know me!
Leanne Blaney

Adventure Coach, Master Your Mountain

I like how Vanessa embraces her introversion rather than trying to change it. From her I learned how to shine as an introvert.
Gill Hartley

The De-Cluttering Queen

With Vanessa’s prodding, I took action, and did my own paid Webinar series. It was a sell out and 75% of participants converted to the second paid series!
Carmel Murphy

The Coaches Mentor

From practical aspects of having a clear and powerful message to knowing how social media works Vanessa helps get your message known.
Maria Pellicano

Harness Your Voice

With the support of Vanessa Talbot, I wrote and delivered an on-line personal development program for women –  ‘The Divine Feminine’. One of the women who recently completed my program nominated me for a business award. And I was chosen as a finalist in the Changemaker category.
Lisa Stallard

Inspiring Females

It’s said that it takes 10 years to create success in this industry.

No doubt, most coaches and change makers have spent years trying to learn the ropes, create a consistent income, and build a big name for themselves.

Many coaches hate pushy and aggressive marketing and selling. It’s not aligned with their values. Because of this they can never find a way to establish their services to a wide audience and create a profitable business. Many coaches give up after 2 – 3 years, unable to build a business that provides them with the income and lifestyle they imagined, while changing the lives of others.

When you build a coaching business through the guidance of The Brilliance Realm— the basis is to build your profile and get known as an expert to your market and peers by identifying and leveraging your unique strengths, connecting and building your tribe, sharing your passion, and expanding your reach through creating alliances with influencers — when you’re tapped into your very special BRILLIANCE your business will thrive. Without sacrificing your values, or engaging in the type of sales and marketing techniques that you hate.

How much will you earn? I expect that you’ll be earning under $5,000 a month at the moment which means you’re probably just scraping through on paying your bills. With The Brilliance Realm there is no ceiling on how much you can earn. So when you know the right systems and structures, when you have daily inspiration, trainings, and guidance it’s completely up to you — you can follow a specific set of steps whenever you want money, then reliably and repeatedly earn as much as you want. But for a base line, lets aim for a minimum of $10,000 a month as a goal to reach. Once you know how to reach that, you can up-level to the next income levels.

The kind of coaching business I’ll teach you how to build in The Brilliance Realm is this — one where your name becomes one in demand, and where passion, purpose and profit explode in perfect golden alchemy.

The Brilliance Realm Essentials

A VIP community of coaches and change makers all aiming to brighten up the world by lighting up themselves. Yes, they know it’s time to stop hiding in the shadows, and to ignite their brilliance and truly shine. When fully lit, their light will attract all the leads, clients, connections and opportunities they desire.

It includes:

VIP access to Coach Business Building special classes and programs
A weekly live call of Q & A and guidance
A weekly live training call - Confidence, Client Conversion, Building your Name are just some of the things we'll cover
Connect once a month with a high profile expert
Access to templates, checklists, videos.
A private FB community where you'll experience the encouragement and support of others
Quarterly live 2 day event where you get together with me and other Brilliance members
That’s what’s included on a monthly basis, but what’s most important and what you’ll gain the most from is the private community of movers and shakers who are all doing great things to light up the world while creating abundance personally. You can’t get better than a community of like minded souls all cheering on one another’s success.  The support you’ll gain and give is priceless. The connections you’ll make will be invaluable.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside The Brilliance Realm …

Get Immediate Access to…

The value in this program is unrivaled. One of our guiding intentions here at Vanessa Talbot Profile Building for Coaches is to over deliver on everything we do, and The Brilliance Realm is where you’ll see this principle in action.

The Brilliance Realm for Coaches & Change Makers.

It’s not a program. It’s not a membership site.
It’s a unique and special place where you’ll be able to access weekly guidance from Vanessa and her high profile guest experts, you’ll have VIP access to all of Vanessa’s trainings like media training & how to build your tribe through your own Facebook group, how to connect with influencers and have them share YOU with THEIR AUDIENCE. That’s just for starters ….

You’ll also be a part of a movement of coaches and change makers who are lighting up the world, and creating Impact, Influence and Income while doing so.


You’ll be able to jump straight into this illuminating business up-levelling content as soon as you join The Brilliance Realm. (It’s time for your fairy tale to come true and today could be the day everything changes for your coaching & change making business.)

100% Risk Free

About Vanessa

I’m Vanessa. I’m the goddess of profile building for coaches & change makers who will keep you on the right path to getting known …….  Really getting known. How big you want to get known is completely up to you!

I spent over 10 years running a high earning business in the mining industry with my then-husband, and then went out on my own as a coaching business owner. The mining industry was big fast cash in those days. Since becoming a coach I’ve gone through my fair share of struggles and have definitely put in the ‘hard yards’ over the years. But one thing I’m thankful I did right from the start was surround myself with people who were playing a bigger game than me and knew their stuff.

I personally coached top writers and authors, Olympic athletes and a celebrity or two. They were all continually building their profiles to greater heights, and creating personal abundance while doing it. What I learned from these people at the top of their fields, I knew I could share with coaches and change makers.  If they were doing it, I knew I could take the same strategies and teach them to you, and that they will work for you too.

It’s these strategies that have worked amazingly well for me — my first clients were international and my business, my name, and what I’m known for, Profile Building, has grown each year. People are often astounded when they first meet me at how shy and reserved I am, because they think only extroverts can build large followings. It’s not true. I’m a shy country girl who is happiest on my property with my horses and kangaroos, so if I can Step out into the Spotlight, so can you.

Best of all, I’ve been able to achieve results in a way that has enabled me to live a balanced value based lifestyle between my business and my other passions; wildlife caring, animals and my family. I’m living MY Truth and you can too.

I’m so excited about The Brilliance Realm as it’s a special place I’ve created to share the best of my best insights and knowledge with you — along with using some of my secret weapons (such as my deeply intuitive skills)  and introducing you to high profile coaching and change making magicians who will help you kick your big goals. With all the goodness you’ll find inside The Brilliance Realm, you’ll be on your path to high profile greatness while avoiding most of the troubles and setbacks most experience. You’ll learn how to replicate incredible results for yourself and take your coaching and change making business to the moon!!

Hear what Coaches, Change Makers and Influencers have to say about Coach Profile Builder Vanessa…
Vanessa is a like-minded individual, totally committed to growth on all levels – personal, professional, and spiritual.  She understands my spiritual gifts, and worked with me to find my own way to express them in written form for an understanding audience.
Cynthia Zeki

Ph.D., RMT

Vanessa’s program opened me up to a world of opportunities….
Cherie Rivas

Health and Fitness Coach

Vanessa is Extraordinary………… I now have one full time staff and one casual staff, so without Vanessa’s support, guidance and motivation I would still be just running around in circles getting nowhere.
Carol A. Newton

Business Owner

It’s really hard to find a mentor like Vanessa that not only truly, truly deeply cares about you but really takes the time and the effort to get to know who you are. Vanessa takes you deeper within yourself and helps you shine.
Devesh Kumar

Breakthrough & Momentum Expert

Vanessa has a special ability to pin-point and narrow down her clients’ needs and areas that need improvement.  Our six-week cyber meetings transformed me from an insecure, unfocused writer to a self-believer, inspirational writer and public speaker.
Camile F. Araujo

Author/Public Speaker

EVERYONE I meet that Vanessa has worked with speaks very highly of her.
Andrew Eggleton

TV Presenter & Presenting Coach

If you’re determined to step up your profile and raise your game, reach out to Vanessa.
Simona Ksoll

Marketing and Mindset Mentor

My Light Filled Guarantee

Like everything in life, you’ll only get out of this program what you put into it. I’ll be showing you exactly how I’ve built my own profile and business, how I’ve seen other high profiles build theirs. The secrets they’ve shared with me, I’ll be sharing with you.   It needs to be said (of course) that I can’t guarantee you their or my results. That part comes from you showing up, participating, taking guided action, doing the work, forgetting your “can’ts” and focusing on “can”, and staying in The Brilliance Realm community for as long as possible.

That said, I want you to feel amazing and super safe about investing in yourself and your coaching & change making profile with The Brilliance Realm. That’s why I’m offering a complete money-back guarantee. If you purchase access to The Brilliance Realm and realise that it’s not right for you, my team and I will refund your entire purchase price — no questions asked, and no hard feelings. Simply send us an email within 30 days of purchasing, and one of my team members will be in touch ASAP to organise your refund. (Seriously, I don’t thing that’s going to happen because I’m so confident that you’ll love this very special space as much as I do!)


Your Questions

What happens when I click ‘buy’?
As soon as your LAUNCH SPECIAL payment has been processed you’ll receive an email from me welcoming you to The Brilliance Realm and an invitation to the private Facebook community. The portal opens on September 1st. On that day, you’ll receive another email with your login details, then be able to log into the member’s portal straight away and access the essentials.  You’ll also receive weekly notice via email of what’s happening in The Brilliance Realm such as special trainings, and where you can catch them. (If you don’t receive an email within a few hours of registering send us a note to your support manager Jan at jan@vanessatalbot.com and she’ll get you sorted!)
How much time do I need to devote to The Brilliance Realm?
The content is broken down into easy-to-digest sections, so you can shoot straight to the topics that you need the most.  Each week there will be new trainings, and valuable coach profile and business building information added so I suggest hopping in at least once a week and devouring the goodies.
I’m only just starting out with my coaching business. Is this still right for me?
Yes. It’s perfect for beginners and it will help you eradicate the common pitfalls new coaches fall in to. Yet The Brilliance Realm isn’t only for beginners. It’s also perfect for those coaches who want to up-level to $10,000 plus more a month. So if you’re starting out, you’ll be able to focus on the content that will help you most for where you are at now. And as you can see, The Brilliance Realm is the place to continue your coach business building journey.
What if I don't have time to go through all the materials straight away?
It’s not going anywhere so you can take as long as you want. As long as you’re up to date with your monthly Brilliance Realm subscription, you will have access to all the content, and all the weekly trainings both online and Live.
Are there any fancy tech requirements to access the materials?
Internet connection and you’re good to go. To access the live online Q & A’s with Vanessa and her High Profile Expert guests, you’ll need a microphone if you wish to participate, and video camera.  These are usually in built in all devices so whatever you access from, we’ll be hearing and seeing you – if you want. Your participation in live events is completely up to you. You might enjoy the replays at your leisure.
What results can I expect?
The Brilliance Realm will be continuing growing with nuggets of gold that can save you a tonne of time, effort and money because you’ve got everything in one place. And our live training and Q & A calls are going to be STELLAR in terms of potency, effectiveness, and next-level strategy.

But it’s worth reminding you here and now: you still have to do the work. Your results are entirely in your hands.  Everything that you’ll be learning in The Brilliance Realm, you’ll have to also take ACTION on. If you learn without follow through, you’ll still have learned a lot but you won’t actually see the quantum shifts you’ve been craving. However, if you choose to TAKE ACTION on what you’ve learned, take advantage of my knowledge with the live Q & A’s, and use the interactive knowledge amongst the community of other Brilliance Realmers, I’m confident you’ll blow yourself away with what you achieve.

Support & Encouragement from Vanessa and her team

Not sure how something works? Feeling like you’re not tech savvy? Having trouble accessing or viewing the materials? My friendly customer support team and I are ready to help you out so you’ll have a smooth and enjoyable learning experience.

Actionable Steps

Forget about getting a whole lot of theory to listen to on a dead Saturday night. I’ll be walking you through actual steps you need to make your coaching business profile happen. I’ve designed The Brilliance Realm experience to be easily implementable, with access to real time guidance, so that you can start action taking and seeing the benefits as soon as possible.

Results Orientated

Not only have these strategies helped me turn my business from first year $16,000 earnings to online 6 figure happy zone, they’ve helped hundreds of my personal clients and program participants do the same. I’m really known for building profiles and getting coaches & change makers known. When that happens for you, your income will dramatically increase.

Gorgeous Viewing

Gorgeous on your desktop, mobile or tablet. My aim is to give you learning pleasure with content that’s beautiful to work through. All the materials are accessible online, so you can view them anywhere, anytime through your internet connection. You can also download them and keep them in your own special folder on your devices.

Get Immediate Access to…

It’s not a program. It’s not a membership site.
It’s a unique and special place where you’ll be able to access weekly guidance from Vanessa and her high profile guest experts, you’ll have VIP access to all of Vanessa’s trainings like media training & how to build your tribe through your own Facebook group, how to connect with influencers and have them share YOU with THEIR AUDIENCE. That’s just for starters ….
You’ll also be a part of a movement of coaches and change makers who are lighting up the world, and creating Impact, Influence and Income while doing so.

You’ll be able to jump straight into this illuminating business up-levelling content as soon as you join The Brilliance Realm. (It’s time for your fairy tale to come true and today could be the day everything changes for your coaching & change making business.)

100% Risk Free