Radiance and Influence
It can all be yours.

And here’s what it will give you.

Your own following of loyal, ready-to-buy fans, your name illuminated as a “mover & shaker” in your industry … and a serious, consistent income


(Yep I know it feels like it can take forever but lets speed up the process for you).

You know you are destined to be one of the leaders at the forefront of new world change.

Your true purpose is to help others. To have positive impact.

To be an extraordinary light that sparks other to shine their best self.

You have a big vision for your work in the world. It’s powerful, life changing, and you know it’s exactly what so many need.

They need you.

Yet there’s a problem.

A simple — but one that is holding you back from your change making work.

Nobody knows about you.

You’re not getting clients and you have no clue how to change it.

This is where I want to help you.

Hi, I’m Vanessa…. I guide coaches, change makers and experts how to Boost their profile so they can live their true purpose of having positive impact and influence.

A massive percentage of coaches & change makers fail at business. Their heart centered approach doesn’t make them good at sales or marketing, or being pushy with their services.

They can feel lost in the crowd, their work and message drowned out by all the loud aggressive noise.

They fall into the trap of wondering what on earth am I doing this for?

I’m getting nowhere. No one is hearing me.

No one is seeing me. I don’t have a chance. All my type of potential clients go to the bigger names in my industry.

Let’s Stop There …

Because as unfair as that seems, it’s the truth.

Your clients, the very people that you were born to help, are going to someone else, and that someone else is the well known names in the coaching industry.


Because they’re the names they see all the time.

They’re the names that people identify straight away as the leaders in the industry.

The industry of having problems solved.

They have reputation, adoration, large tribes of followers, and are the names first thought of.

There’s only a few of them.

And they enjoy an abundance of clients, opportunities, and appear to live fabulous lifestyles with an energetic flow of money.

They have a Profile. A Big Profile.
And that’s what you need too.

Step into the Spotlight is a high touch, high support “high profile” building 12-month academy for coaches and change makers to elevate their visibility, get known and ATTRACT clients.

Never be seen as “just another Life Coach” ever again.

With Step into the Spotlight, you’ll ignite your brilliance and identify your uniqueness that will have you stand out.

In the Step into the Spotlight extensive group 12-month academy you will:

  • Develop an unstoppable attitude.
  • Define your profitable niche market.
  • Define your Unique Style that will have you stand out. More than branding.
  • Create Offerings & Packages that your market will buy.
  • Develop your Get Known Attract Clients strategy that may include podcasting, videos, guesting, webinars
  • Manifest powerful testimonials & build business relationships
  • Learn how to promote yourself on social media to grow your fan base
  • Build the need for YOU with your followers.
  • Grab media attention
  • Become recognized as an expert.


To top it all off, you’ll have the opportunity to join me during the course, for a two day Mastermind live event at my beautiful country property where you’ll meet other Step into the Spotlight participants and create and cement relationships for ongoing expansion of your coaching presence.

If you’re a coach or change maker with a big vision to light up the world, then I am here for you.

I would love to personally mentor you and guide you towards creating a thriving business that creates positive change while you live the life you want.

You are ready to ignite your brilliance, and become luminous with your purpose to help others.

It’s your time to Shine — Step into the Spotlight.

I can highly recommend Vanessa- since starting with her my biz has totally transformed and I finally have clients. In fact I am now booked out! She knows her stuff!

Jenn Turnham

HSP-Extroverts Coach

Step into the Spotlight is intensive, comprehensive,

and super high on guidance and support.

It’s said that it takes 10 years to create success in this industry.

No doubt, most entrepreneurs have spent years trying to learn the ropes, create a consistent income, and build a big name for themselves.

You can take a short cut.

If your business is struggling and you’ve felt like giving up, yet something is keeping you hanging on. That something is BELIEF.

Belief in you, your passion and what you’ve got to give to the world. Don’t let that go to waste.


Step into the Spotlight is a group profile building 12-month academy for coaches and change makers that will have you moving step by step to getting known, building your high profile and Being Seen and Being Heard.

This is a 12-month academy I wished I had when I was starting my coaching business.

The academy begins June 2023. Imagine where you’ll be next year! You’ll do more effectively in this 12-month academy then you will on your own.

You’ll be challenged there is no doubt. And it’s not all going to be easy.

But we’ll have fun along the way, you’ll meet fascinating people who will become your champions and companions to becoming a bigger name, and you’ll experience the exhilaration and satisfaction of beating your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone.

Most of all, by the end of the 12-month academy, you’ll be known. You’ll have followers. Your business will be growing. And you’ll be making a name for yourself as the ‘go to’ person in your particular field.

Accountability and taking action is a requirement of this academy, yet we’ll never leave you behind.

You’re never going to be “just another life coach” ever again.

That’s because you’ve learned how to position yourself as someone highly valuable to your target market.

Classes Start June 2023

Step into the Spotlight Profile Building for

Coaches & Change Makers

12 Months of Profile Building Training that will enable you to build a following, elevate your visibility, and tap into your own extraordinary power to attract quality clients.

As a Coach Mentor, many new coaches have told me that they just don’t know where to start! You’ve finished your coach training, so now what?

There’s so much information out there. It’s overwhelming. And I’ve heard of many coaches struggling for years trying to get known because they didn’t have a solid guide or help on what steps to take and in what order.

That’s why I developed Step into the Spotlight. This unique group Profile Building 12-month academy is a step by step for coaches and change makers to better position themselves as a ‘Public Figure’ so that they are able to have a wider reach and greater impact with their work.

There’s so much information out there. It’s overwhelming.

And I’ve heard of many coaches struggling for years trying to get known because they didn’t have a solid guide or help on what steps to take and in what order.

That’s why I developed Step into the Spotlight.

This unique group Profile Building 12-month academy is a step by step for coaches and change makers to better position themselves as a ‘Public Figure’ so that they are able to have a wider reach and greater impact with their work.

Week by Week Build Your Public Profile and Attract More Clients!


Lessons for this Unit

  • Week 1: Cultivate Your Mindset for Success.
  • Week 2: Your One Thing! (Niching and choosing your market).
  • Week 3: How to Talk About What You Do.
  • Week 4: Know your Archetype and how to show up in the world
  • Week 5: Brand You!
  • Week 6: Your Ultimate Client Attraction Offer
  • Week 7: How to talk to your Audience in your unique voice.
  • Week 8: Create your Packages and keep clients for longer.

Lessons for this Unit

  • Week 9: Powerful Testimonials & A Bio with Punch: How to use social proof to increase your public image
  •  Week 10: Social Media – Which social media avenues will work best for you?
  • Week 11: Simple Structure to Capture Clients
  • Week 12: Client Conversion
  • Week 13: Videos & Lives.
  • Week 14: The Essential Coach Website
  • Week 15: How to Build Your List
  • Week 16: Leverage Your Time with Outsourcing – With Team Manager Gill Hartley
  • Week 17: Develop a Consistent Marketing Campaign
  • Week 18: Developing Your Connections

Lessons for this Unit

  • Week 19: Create your Signature Course, Challenge or Group Program
  • Week 20: Be My Guest – How to secure guest spots and Media to expand your reach
  • Week 21: Captivating sales and landing pages – Build your landing page
  • Week 22: Selling through Webinars, Workshops & Events.
  •  Week 23: Facebook Ads
  • Week 24: Joint Venturing and Collaborations with key influencers
  • Week 25: Countdown to Launch
  •  Week 26: Podcasting

We finish off our 12 Months of Profile Building with a Bang! A guaranteed place in my 5 Day Radiance and Influence
Hawaii Experience which is complete Next Level into creating your luminous, lucrative empire.

I joined the Spotlight program when I saw the outstanding results my friend was getting. I got so much more than I expected. I went from spinning my wheels before I worked with Vanessa to getting things done.
Vanessa is a great model and mentor. Best business decision I’ve made.
I’ve joined many other group programs and this is the only one I recommend to anyone.

Suzanna Hatch

Business Mentor for Wellness Entrepreneurs

Let’s take a closer look…

Weekly Live Trainings

Weekly LIVE online training & coaching calls with me, your high profile building alchemist. The weekly live call will alternate between guiding you through your modules, and Q & A time. The time alternates weekly so you choose the best time for you. These LIVE coaching calls are the pathway to your greatest success.

26 Laser Focused Training Modules

26 Training Modules in a private membership area – every week you’ll be taken through the step by step system for building your profile and attracting leads, clients and opportunities. You’ll have a week for implementation between each class, and life time access to the modules for reference and revision


Resources, Templates and Scripts

Resources, templates, scripts for your use – because I know while you’re testing and measuring your own audience and market, it’s valuable to be able to model what has worked for someone else who has created a profitable business.

Access to Industry Experts

Access to experts – I’ve gathered some of my favourite people to come along and join you on just a few of the live training calls. They’re wizards in their particular fields and you have access to them!!

Private FB Community

Private Facebook community – you’ll be part of a private facebook group of other visionaries and up and coming influencers, all learning, implementating, strategising, encouraging and supporting one another. PLUS I’ll be in there with you most days answering your questions along with your team of experts.


Throughout the 12 months you’ll have the best of both worlds. The energy and camaraderie of the group sessions, along with time to work alone on rising your coaching business at your own pace. The structure of the academy gives you accountability so you actually get things done, and keeps you on track with your high profile and client attraction goals and vision. You won’t ever be left alone to figure it out by yourself.

Oh, one more thing…I know that at times life can get in the way. So should you miss a live class or a week of implementation, you have life time access to all your training modules, recordings and resources.

Even better you have a supportive community of other movers and shakers just like you, who will help get you back on track should
you lose your way.

As someone who has been in business for a long time and has a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, I knew the next coach I hired was needed to be someone unique.  Vanessa hit the mark beautifully.

She is so open to exploring and finding the way that works for each of us in the Step into the Spotlight Academy so we truly SHINE our WAY.  It’s not a cookie cutter approach – there are clear steps – with plenty of room for us to add our own sparkle.  I’ve stopped beating my head against the wall trying to fit into following someone else’s marketing strategy.  My individual potential was seen in a way that inspired me to take action and maintain it.

Amy Taylor

Productivity and Planning Specialist

My heartfelt thanks to you Vanessa. I wouldn’t be here speaking internationally in India without your guidance & support x For anyone thinking of joining in Vanessa’s program – DO IT!!

Jeni Clift

Business Consultant & Speaker / Professional EOS Implementer

Vanessa is incredible at helping you identify how to level up your business. She helps you see what you need to look more professional and organized with other people. She sees value in your work and also massively believes in your individual strengths. Having her, a support coach, plus the other women in the Academy have helped me identify see my strengths and how to continue to make the big steps I need with moving my business forward.

Amelia Harshfield

Professional Mentor at Confront Trauma’s Lies

I love working with you!!! Best coach I have ever had and I have had a few. Never have I soared like I have with you as my coach!

Julie Nelson

Botanical Perfumer and Creator of Rich Witch

A Course That Grows Both Your Business And You

I have found the Spotlight Academy has provided me with so many tools and resources with which to grow my new coaching business. Combined with the wealth of business knowledge I’ve also been able to increase my network circle not only locally but worldwide.

Suzanne Francis

Social Connection Coach

Before joining Vanessa’s Step into the Spotlight Academy, I was frustrated with trying to learn how to put myself out there, become more visible, and attract more clients.  I knew what I needed to do but I didn’t know exactly “how” to get things done.


Joining Vanessa’s Academy was a game-changer!  She creates a safe place for her students to ask questions, share experiences, and learn everything you must know to be successful in your business.  She shows you exactly how to get things done.  As a result of working with Vanessa, I am sharing my gifts and talents, attracting more clients, and generating more revenue, which is exciting.

Her program is well worth the investment.

Tomika Snodgrass

Confidence and Sales Coach

Vanessa’s got the experience, creds and heart to take her clients on a magical journey that will uplevel their business.

This was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made to help me evolve as a business owner. If you’re on the fence about this program, JUMP! You will not be sorry.


Kimberly Cardeccia

Holistic Human and Horse Healer , Building confidence and living better through connecting with horses

Vanessa’s gentle manner, and her confidence and belief in me has made an impact that I will carry with me through my life. Her generosity, kindness and patience with me has been priceless. I am amazed by the opportunities that have come my way after Stepping into the Spotlight. It’s been serendipitous.

Chantelle Min Naidoo

Burnout Liberation Coach for Women in Leadership

With me by your side, together we’ll think Extraordinarily big! My skill is to take your raw talent, passion and vision, and turn it into irresistible gold.

Your probably wondering though…Is Step into the Spotlight Profile Building right for me?

This is exactly the question you need to be asking!

I need to know if you’re right for this 12-month academy, and you need to know if it’s right for you.

Here’s the run down on whether the magic of Step into the Spotlight is the perfect fit for you…

Step into the Spotlight is NOT a good fit for you if:

You’re after 6 figures in 6 weeks or even the six months. Building your profile and a rock solid business built on trust and connection takes time, patience, vision and focus.

You don’t have a coaching business idea yet. It’s ok if you don’t have clients yet. You just need to have done your coach training and taken those first steps.

You are not committed to your success. I can’t do this for you. I’m there to guide you with a solid profile building strategy that will get you known and attract clients, leads and opportunities. The responsibility for your success is down to your commitment, focus and resourcefulness.

You are not a coach or change maker. This 12-month academy is exclusively for coaches or service providers who do transformational work

But…Step into the Spotlight is PERFECT for you if:

You are committed to showing up, taking on the step by step profile building formula, and using that to create your own magic

You are ready to invest in you, your purpose, your abundance, your business. You’re ready to uplevel, even if right at this moment, that seems a little scary.

You are passionate about making a difference in the world and helping others. And you’re prepared to make your mark and live without regret.

You are HOT to Build your profile, expand your reach, develop influence, while growing your business.

I’ve worked before with other coaches and business intuitives to help me nail my niche and branding message, and finally, FINALLY! this is it. This is really it!

I’ve never been more excited!!! Coaches and change makers, Vanessa is a get known coach, and I highly recommend her.

Tess Vergara

Soul Powered Executive Coach & Host of Soul Power to the People Podcast

Highly recommended! If you’re struggling to get your business out there, and you need to clarify, shape and promote your business, then this is the program for you!

I participated in Vanessa’s program late last year and in just three short months have been able to ‘land’ on my message and purpose, create a social media profile, been invited to interviews and now have my own radio show!

Vanessa is inspiring, motivating and a great go to for advice, yet also practical, grounded and a task master! If you value yourself and what you have to offer – this is the way to go!

Helen Ryan

Business Alignment Coach

Vanessa Talbot
Radiance and Influence for Coaches & Change Makers

With her signature 12-month academy Step into the Spotlight, Profile Builder and Coach Mentor. Vanessa specialises in igniting coaches to Be Seen and Heard by boosting their profile and increasing their influence, resulting in their magnetic attraction for more leads, more clients and more opportunities! For those that have a mission and a message to help others, Vanessa guides them to better positioning themselves as a ‘Public Figure’ so that they are able to have a wider reach and greater impact with their work.

Creator of the popular Facebook group Coaches, Experts, Change Makers: Step into the Spotlight, Vanessa is a frequently requested Podcast guest and has been featured on media (radio, magazines, newspapers) across Australia and the US.
A country girl and wildlife carer, Vanessa likes to hermit on her lifestyle property with her 4 kangaroos, 4 beautiful horses, bunnies, birds and the nature that surrounds them.

Troy Dunn – The Locator
Media Specialist

You’ll meet Troy when you join us at the Radiance & Influence Hawaii Experience to cap off your 12 months in the Academy, or on any of our Coach Cruises.

Jen Cudmore
Archetypes Style

Jen helps Entrepreneurs become experts in their field standing out as valuable and increasing their income and their impact by monetising their expertise, genius and gifts.

With years of experience as a Kinesiologist and Coach, Jen is an expert at navigating the ‘inside game’ to success, clearing fearful patterns and limiting beliefs and finding the most aligned, most powerful individualised plan to success.

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